Tagged with cat lady

“Time spent with cats is never wasted.” — Freud. Curiosity caused me to read A Street Cat Named Bob, James Bowen

“Time spent with cats is never wasted.” — Freud. Curiosity caused me to read A Street Cat Named Bob, James Bowen

Where I got it from: This one was a wonderful charity shop find, for the grand total of 50p! I currently have three cats, and I’ve had a couple as a child, so I couldn’t really say no to a feline read! I’ve had a look online too, and this is available on Amazon, through … Continue reading

About the reviewer

About the reviewer

I made this blog back in 2012! So it feels like an updated “about me” type post is needed! The blog name was a rather belated shoutout to our demoted dwarf planet, Pluto. (You can view NASA’s breakdown of the demotion here: Pluto – NASA Science). I don’t really remember my full decision process, but … Continue reading