“Time spent with cats is never wasted.” — Freud. Curiosity caused me to read A Street Cat Named Bob, James Bowen

Where I got it from:

This one was a wonderful charity shop find, for the grand total of 50p! I currently have three cats, and I’ve had a couple as a child, so I couldn’t really say no to a feline read! I’ve had a look online too, and this is available on Amazon, through Waterstones, and with quite a few charity shops on eBay too! I even found the eBook (£3.99) and audiobook (£9.99) with Apple Books! I must be honest though, the front cover, and chapter marker cats are too cute, not to have a physical copy of this! 🐈


The subtitle for the book is “how one man and his cat found hop on the streets”, and it is a lovely, inspiring story. It just shows how much people rely on company, and how the relationships we build (with people and animals) can help to build us up, and give us inspiration to improve. James isn’ shy, and tells us straight away that he is a busker in London, a recovering drug addict, struggling to get by. When he finds a lonely ginger cat who clearly needs some TLC, Bob seems like the perfect match for James. They both ry on each other to look after, and better themselves.

As we learn more about James’ life, it shows how much he needed Bob. He found his feline friend a way to encourage him to look after someone, and focus on someone else, rather than focusing on survival, and his addictions. It becomes apparent at this part how similar James & Bob really were; both independent, trying to get on by themselves, but extremely lonely, and in dire need of someone to give them a little encouragement.

As we get about half way through the story, we learn more about how London has become an unfriendly place; mainly for James, but it’s changes had an impact on Bob too. As we have a lucky meeting with an old friend, it becomes clear how a change in his life as he knows it is one of the best ways for James to ensure Bob can still be kept safe. This change of the day to day routine turns out to be an excellent way to dish out some revenge though! And it sounds fabulous when Bob is included in James’ new badge for his role.

A slight change in his role is followed by a huge change for James. He makes it clear how much he wants to do better for Bob, and how his life has made him want to rely on himself, rather than higher powers, or other people.

Taking in a ginger, ex-stray tom cat in the middle of London is definitely a difficult task. The number of scary moments that happen to Bob & James throughout the story is genuinely worrying; there were a good few times were I really though that it would be the end of their little family. Or even worse, the end of Bob. A lot happens, and there are injuries, and mysteries that take place. It didn’t make me cry, but it definitely had me worried quite a few times!

Favourite characters:

Bob – a lovely, brave, ginger rom with a personality to stand out. He has a few medical issues, that James looks after very early in their relationship, and it shows how much Bob has learned to trust him. As a sort of thanks for the care James gives him, Bob shows himself to be quite a helpful little companion for Jame’s day-to-day activities.

James – his second chapter provides a little more of his background. As a child regularly moving between the UK, and Australia, being drastically bullied at school, and eventually becoming a bit of a tearaway. The growth into an unhappy, angry teenager shows is his start to drug use, and how he was, overall, “oh the road to self distraction”.

The whole story shows the build up of his, and Bob’s friendship, and how much they really need each other. After a rather scary experience getting to the half way point, his character is show to make a huge change in his life, and start to actually enjoy the working routine that gets set.

Favourite quotes:

“The difference was I didn’t think I was on my own now. I had Bob.”

How it ends:

As we reach the end of the story, Hames tells us a lot about the positive impact Bob has had on his entire life. And as a wonderful accident, it turns out that Bob had become quite the famous feline! An American woman even suggested to James that he should write a book about his life with Bob. Turns out, that was exactly what happened!

Favourite part:

One of my favourite parts of the story is when Bob takes a bus, and makes himself comfy in James’ guitar case! He’s shown to be quite a compelling one; tempting quite a few people to come and see him, and even put some coins in his make shift bed. The parts of the story focused on this shows to much people care for cats! 🐈 Even when we encounter dogs, and grumpy seeming humans, Bob can clearly stand up for himself.

Rating out of 5:

I am a cat lover. So I couldn’t avoid looking at this book. And I’m already looking g forward to watching the film adaption soon! As a story, it is so heartwarming. Considering how cold, and raining Manchester has been recently, this was exactly the right type of story to keep my heart warm. Thank you for an amazing, life-affirming sorry James! I’m giving this one a solid 5 out of 5, and have already planned to lend it to a friend. 🥰

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